Join the rhythm

We’d love to have you join us to grow UP, IN, OUT, & DEEP.

Integrated Rhythms

In a busy and fractured world, these simple monthly rhythms
help us to live an integrated life.

They help us to have a faith that is rooted in the place where we live,
in deep community with each other, and with our hearts open
to join God in the work His is already doing in and around us.

  • UP | Worship

    UP | We grow in our love of God as we focus on our connection to God.

    Once a month we come together to pray, learn, worship, and take communion together.

  • IN | Community

    IN | We grow in our love of God as we know and are known by each other.

    Once a month we come together to eat a meal, learn about each other, and simply be together.

  • OUT | Service

    OUT | We grow in our love of God as we serve our community together.

    Once a month we spend time helping our neighbors and loving people in our neighborhood.

  • DEEP | Place

    DEEP | We grow in our love of God as we deepen our love for the place we live.

    We come together in everyday ways to participate in neighborhood events.