About our family

Alyssa Alexander

Alyssa works part-time as an RN at Craig Hospital and is a homeschooling mom to three daughters. She has worked in and for churches in the Denver metro area in various leadership roles for over a decade. She loves entertaining friends and family, snowboarding with her kids, and good food.

Andraé Alexander

Andraé is an Automation Engineering Supervisor at Samuel Engineering. His education and background spans computer, electronic, and audio engineering. Andraé’s family is originally from Grenada, which remains his “home away from home”. Grenada is at the roots of his value of neighbors coming together to share a meal.

Alyssa and Andraé live in the Shenandoah neighborhood near Smoky Hill High School in Aurora with their three daughters - Jada, Ivy, and Brontë.

Our Values


Our theological foundation is our life lived in response to the eternal and extravagant grace of God. We believe grace is the defining characteristic of God toward us.


Our beliefs are rooted in the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles Creed. We believe Jesus is the way God comes to us and the way we come to God.


Our priority of place grounds us in living and leading an integrated life. We accept spiritual and social responsibility over the neighborhood we call home. We intentionality invest in our neighbors, schools, local businesses, and civic governments.